Thursday 10 March 2016

Up date.

With little chance to get out there it's time just to ramble.
Magpies:   There have been obvious changes in there behaviour within sight of the house over the last few days. This started when a pair started nesting at the West end of Denmark Road. This was a domed structure which is not unusual. But for the second year running it is very high in a tree. Being about 40 feet from  the ground. This seems more of an urban thing, as those out of town are no higher than 3 meters.  It is almost completed as a nest but I did see a Carrion Crow leave with a twig in I beak on Monday.
There have been two occasions in the last 2 weeks when there has been a fight between on the one occasion 8 birds and the second time 9 birds. Two of these birds were very physical and had it in for each other to the point that they flew off West on both occasions. It is also interesting to note that Carrion Crow sit and watch this game play. For what ever reason can only be guessed at. So I will come up with a few ideas.
1.    They are looking for the weaknesses in the group.
2.    They just have an interest in what is going on because they are all part of the same family and are symbiotic.
3.    They may follow the pair bond and then steal nesting material. 
4.    They may be aware that magpies have nested in the tree they are fighting in.
Cormorants:  At the Ness there is an obvious movement of Cormorants with most flying South in groups ranging from 5 to anything up to 35 birds. Total in an hour  250 birds. Some are roving but most of those moving South are Sinises and are not British birds as such. So questions to be asked.
1.     Are they moving back to France.
2.     Are they heading South to Abberton and the like.
3.     Are they just following the tide.
4.     Why the varying size of groups. (Some family others not)
Any comments?

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