Thursday 31 March 2016

Corton Sewer Works, Suffolk.

Bright spring day with a chill in the air.

First bird out was a calling CHIFFCHAFF one of three birds calling and two others not calling. Also 2 COAL TIT and a single MARSH TIT. The air was not full of SKYLARK but more than 6 birds about. I would think that there was two pairs of GREEN WOODPECKER and three LINNET put on a  show. GOLDFINCH were only flyovers and a single SONG THRUSH was singing well.
A very unusual scene was the DUNOCK family who were acting very interesting with each other. The most interesting thing however was that one bird was singing its plaintive song. Very quietly but persistently, what a lovely song. 
But the real joy was nan early TORTISHELL BUTTERFLY and an all round flyer in a  beautiful YELLOW BRIMSTONE.           The  yellow is a YELLOW BRIM

Common Carder Bumblebee

Friday 25 March 2016

Ditchingham Estae.

The usual visit on Good Friday morning, up early on a glorious spring day. With hot cross buns and raising monies for the local parish church. So it is a Good Friday. Thanks to Steve and to Kathy as well as Nick the gamekeeper. Not forgetting Lord and Lady Ferries.

Recorded birds by me 43 but by the team 62. So fell short according to this but some good birds seen with 2 WOODCOCK and a pair of GREY WAGTAIL as well as a pair of free flying GREY PARTRIDGE. Which are part of the reintroduction programme from last year. My first BLOACKCAP for the year a singing male not seen but obvious to anyone in know. Also 2 calling CHIFFCHAFF and at least 8 NUTHATCH. Several COMMON BUZZARD with difficulties in numbers as they were all over the show. KESTREL, SPARROWHAWK. Only two YELLOW HAMMER and very few MARSH TIT compared with other years. Good flocks of REDWING and FIELDFARE making there escape East.


Thursday 24 March 2016


Arrived home late or is that early morning to hear  REDWING flying over heading for the continentant. Also both PERIGRINE on silo this morning and I understand flight display occurred again on Tuesday.
12:50 hrs while in the shed the gulls kicked off and so took a scan with a pair of RED KITE heading at 300 feet to the South West. Both birds hung around for a while and were in no hurray which gave a chance of a shot but as it was overcast very difficult.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Ness Point, Lowestoft.

Light breeze from North and inter sun. Still a good chill.

Movement of CORMORANT and GANNET with birds feeding alongside the Holm Buoy. Gannets diving and several large flocks of cormorant feeding and moving up and down the coast as were RED-THROATED-DIVER. There were also 10 seals which for us is a good number so there must have been plenty of feed for all this array of wildlife.

This pic is of the buoy and it is three miles out.

Monday 21 March 2016

North Dene's and Home

While out bright with North breeze changing to West and overcast.
North Denes:  WREN and ROBIN singing with several very vocal DUNNOCK. Altogether 8 BLACKBIRD and WOODPIGEON sitting tight high in the trees. The only bird on the Oval was a MAGPIE with 9 birds in all. CARRION CROW 3 paired birds. BLUE TIT, GREAT TIT as well as 5 CHAFFINCH and 6 LINNET. Only 1 calling GREENFINCH. Just one single STOCK DOVE.
Links Hill:      MED GULLS with one last year diminutive bird and 5 adult which are nearly there and ready to go. Offshore 2 GREAT CORMORANT and a flock of 20 COMMON SCOTTER flying North well out.
North Wall:   TURNSTONE 7 and the usual gull feast and also several Bubble bees with white rear ends.
Home: Small flock of LONG TAILED TIT associating with the small group of BLUE TIT. Also fly over PEREGRINE heading toward silo.


Thursday 17 March 2016

Home front

While weather holds out in the garden sorting the house out, a good paint.
SPARROWHAWK over and also a PEREGRINE but obviously missed out on an odd raptor as the gulls could see it but I couldn't. Also had PIED WAG over and a several calling CHAFFINCH and a small flock of LINNET over to. One surprise was calling CHIFFCHAFF but did not show. CARRION CROW is using next doors twizzle tree as nest material, I have not yet seen which way he is heading because as soon as you turn your head he is gone. BLUE TIT were looking in the nest box and entering, but doubt if they will try. BLACKBIRD and HOUSE SPARROW on bird table as well as COLLARD DOVE and WOOD PIGEON with him trying it on.


Tuesday 15 March 2016

Stanton Downham, Norfolk and home.

My son was cycle racing yesterday in Thetford Forest and he won his race so he was well pleased. As for me as soon as we arrived I had a flight view of a LESSER SPOTTED WOODPECKER. If I was not aware that one had been seen the day before I don't think I would have picked up on it. But it was flying across grass lane towards the river and the foot bridge which is were it was seen the previous day. Other than that I heard that 2 Mandarin duck were at the pools and with Mallard flying I did gain a view of two odd ducks. But would not assume anything. Other than that ROBIN, WREN, CHAFFINCH, GOLDCREST, ROOK, CROW, BLACKBIRD,
Home:  This morning while sitting in the garden a small bird again flew into rose bush. Called as early CHIFFCHAFF flew out immediately into buddleia and stayed for 5 minuets before heading off North West.
As my sister would say a song for every occasion.

Thursday 10 March 2016

Up date.

With little chance to get out there it's time just to ramble.
Magpies:   There have been obvious changes in there behaviour within sight of the house over the last few days. This started when a pair started nesting at the West end of Denmark Road. This was a domed structure which is not unusual. But for the second year running it is very high in a tree. Being about 40 feet from  the ground. This seems more of an urban thing, as those out of town are no higher than 3 meters.  It is almost completed as a nest but I did see a Carrion Crow leave with a twig in I beak on Monday.
There have been two occasions in the last 2 weeks when there has been a fight between on the one occasion 8 birds and the second time 9 birds. Two of these birds were very physical and had it in for each other to the point that they flew off West on both occasions. It is also interesting to note that Carrion Crow sit and watch this game play. For what ever reason can only be guessed at. So I will come up with a few ideas.
1.    They are looking for the weaknesses in the group.
2.    They just have an interest in what is going on because they are all part of the same family and are symbiotic.
3.    They may follow the pair bond and then steal nesting material. 
4.    They may be aware that magpies have nested in the tree they are fighting in.
Cormorants:  At the Ness there is an obvious movement of Cormorants with most flying South in groups ranging from 5 to anything up to 35 birds. Total in an hour  250 birds. Some are roving but most of those moving South are Sinises and are not British birds as such. So questions to be asked.
1.     Are they moving back to France.
2.     Are they heading South to Abberton and the like.
3.     Are they just following the tide.
4.     Why the varying size of groups. (Some family others not)
Any comments?

Wednesday 2 March 2016

North Cove, Barnby, Suffolk.

North breeze and overcast.

North Cove:   Heard that the CATTLE EGERET that has been wondering about has settled in a field with some highland cattle. So a visit was the cards. The bird was doing all it's stuff following behind and in front as well as underneath one of the animals. It seems it was intent on following the one leading the way and was not interested in the others. The bird was well of and with the light not good any pictures would always be a risk.
                                                      What you doing here? Try Africa


Mutford:  Ride back home through Mutford I saw a single COMMON BUZZARD and a KESTREL also a pair of MISTLE THRUSH at Mutford parish church. Also a flock of 50+  FIELDFARE closer to the A146