Thursday 27 October 2011

Sparrows Nest, Lowestoft.

Well first time out since previous info. Big move this with a risk to health but there you go. 

Best bird for me today was a lovely male BLACKCAP which I picked up with the normal wandering tit group. I also picked up on a standard CHIFFCHAFF. Also plenty of CHAFFINCH with six REDPOLE darting about. Plenty of GOLDCRESTS but only a single COAL TIT. Plenty of new BLACKBIRDS in, and FIELDFARE, one single JAY. Out at sea I picked up on two groups of DARK-BELLIED-BRENT with only a two TURNSTONE.

Monday 24 October 2011

Up date no birds this time?

I have just completed my first big dose of chemotherapy today. I do have a very sore arm but other than that all OK. I feel well and and hope and pray that it continues. Thanks to all those who keep in touch by email mainly and also by phone. For your prayers and also your concern. It is much appreciated. 



Saturday 22 October 2011

North Denes Great Yaremouth

Just a run up the coast to give a look round. Managed a good photo of MED GULL. There being 5 birds about on the beach. Several GANNET still moving North offshore. Cormorant and very little else. Best of the day was  the calling off two raptors overhead  above home address. I believe that one was a PEREGRINE and the other a ROUGH LEGGED BUZZARD. Both birds where flying south east which would have taken them to the silo, but a quick jump up there and no sign at all of the birds. The only other option was this the SAKER FALCON again. I could see very little due to birds being strait into the sun.

Friday 21 October 2011

Carlton Marsh

As soon as I left the car I was on to a warbler and as soon as you could say warbler it was gone. Stood around for 10 minutes no luck. But did manage to put to flight a single SNIPE from cow pat encrusted field. Had a good view of a single male STONECHAT who had taken to alighting on a field gate post. Other stuff about: JAY, KESTREL, GREY HERON, CHAFFINCH, GREENFINCH, GOLDFINCH, It is also good to identify BLACKBIRDS from the Continent which have larger and darker bills.

Wednesday 19 October 2011

Kessingland Benacre Pitts

Things are still on the move with a HOUSE MARTIN fly over at Beach Farm, which also provided me with a close encounter with a LITTLE EGRET  which was trying to settle out of the west wind in a hawthorn bush, not very satisfactorily as it happened. Still made a reasonable photo. Plenty of RED-THROATED-DIVERS of shore. Some about a mile. All in small groups with the occasional fly by CORMORANTS. I did manage to find one ARCTIC SKUA doing his best with a gull. There was a large movement of GANNETS all flying north and well out to sea. Also managed a good photo of hybridized HOODED best yet. 7 LITTLE GREBE on Pitts. With flyover SKYLARK,LINNET,GREENFINCH, CHAFFINCH,HOUSE SPARROW. MEADOW PIPIT.

Monday 10 October 2011

Links Hill, Lowestoft.

Another visit to improve the photo by the use of sunlight. See the result on this blog. Picked up a lone HOUSE MARTIN today above the Oval cliff and a lone CHIFFCHAFF while watching WOODCHAT SHRIKE. Also Jonathan picked up the escape SAKER falcon in the back garden yesterday at 11:55 hrs. Being mobbed by gulls. Flew off south through gap at the bottom of the garden.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Links Hill, Lowestoft.

Seems as if I just called in at the right time. Found a group of guys viewing a juvenile WOODCHAT SHRIKE. It has been seven years since I last saw one. This bird was very obliging, in fact when I arrived he was only 15 feet from the birders. I did not have this opportunity but I did get to take 15 shots. See the best on the slide show. Also a good photo of a WHEATEAR from the same area two days ago. When I also picked up a HERRING GULL with right leg blue ring A6SR white letters.

Sunday 2 October 2011

Dunwich and Minsmere Beach

Walk on to Dunwich Heath proved little except for for COAL TIT. I and Joe then set of after a coffee for the Minsmere beach. A group of deer where curled up on high ground to the far side of reed bed. I took a photo which upset Joe as it is unbelievable what the camera can actually do. A flock of Brent Geese flew south all where DARK BELLIED BRENT although another group latter on seemed to be much lighter with bar across chest. I also picked up this single RUFF (see photo) about 25 GODWIT and plenty of TEAL and WIGEON. Although not picked up is scope I did see far back on the reed bed and BITTERN before it crashed landed. WE then went to Blythburgh and picked up with 2 LITTLE EGRET and nothing much else.