Monday 3 September 2012

Leath's Ham

Soon picked up with CHIFCHAFF in the garden this morning two birds followed by one later in the day. Also 5 COMMON TERN at Links car park. At Leath's Ham a SCARCE MIGRANT HAWKER both male and female. Good photo also a SPECKLED WOOD dark phase and a hover fly SUN SEEKER with three strips. Photo to follow. Many roving L.T.Tit's with the occasional CHIF also had a LESSER WHITHROAT and a WHITETHROAT. 

Sunday 2 September 2012

Kessingland foreshore to sluice

Walk along here brought in several CORMORANT flying along just off shore with a seal putting in brief appearance  The best was a PEREGRINE that gave a stoop as it attacked prey not far from us. Jonathan managed a shot of it in its dive.  Several LINNET and a sigle BLACKBIRD with SWALLOWS about 20+ birds in all. We also watched a GREEN WOODPECKER on a telegraph pole making a short message. Then it flew to ground as it rooted about.
At home a several SWALLOWS flying north then south followed by a single SWIFT. I also managed this photo of a SCARCE HAWKER i believe. If you know any diffident then you know more than me. Which would not be difficult.