Monday 3 December 2018

Pathways and Links Hill.

As we gain time on the season of good will, time seems to run out. But a walk out is a treat. So is this GREY WAGTAIL on the roof of the barn. As for the lake the best bird was a BLACK HEADED GULL with a pink flush. Or as I would say roseate? I have been made aware that this flush is caused by it eating shrimp in the Baltic sea. Right or wrong it sounds good.

Links Hill:   A really large and prim COMMON GULL odd how they vary in size and build. This one was not diminutive at all. I also had a visit from a PIED WAGTAIL which was fly catching along the sea wall.

On July 18th 2018 Landsat 8 acquired an image of a phytoplankton bloom in the Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea. The largest ever.

It may be a good idea to look for birds with a pink flush as a response to this ecological incident.