Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Oulton Marsh, Lowestoft.

Cold night with little sun during the day, but all the same a good day to be out.

Increased the list for the year by ten, so now stands at 44. With nothing out of the ordinary. But with two SNIPE and nine MEADOW PIPIT feeding together in a meadow. But how it they disappear when they land I have no idea. They flitter in the air, hang there and then just drop to earth and they might as well not be there. I did have a good view of a SONG THRUSH and an odd calling bird in a bush which never did show itself. Several KESTREL with an assumed six birds in all. Around 50 WIGEON and only two TEAL and two pairs of SHOVELORE. A single GREY HERON and only two GOLDCREST. I followed a party on the move of LONG TAILED TITS about 10 birds in all and withy them three blue tit.

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