Monday, 26 August 2013

North Dene's, Lowestoft.

It's called frustration in another life is birding. Especially on those annoying occasions when the ball of fluff will not stay long enough to get a view. What can you say also about dog walkers. One dog yes, 2 dogs you have a problem 3 dogs I have problem. 4 digs we all have a problem. So the dog walker walks along the beach just as you have seen this little LBJ land. It takes off and flies passed you and lands 500 feet away behind the dune grass. You creep up just as this dog beastie  sends it in the air again and it flies of and lands 70 feet away in a dip. Again you just get all of a second on it and it flies to oblivion. Oh that dog walkers would take the same route............ Enough of the rant.
To day faired a little better, but not much. Best bird was a GARDEN WARBLER. It sat tired a cleaning itself up in the early sun. Also 5 COMMON WHITETHROAT and a smattering of SWALLOWS. I also picked up on a calling CHIFF and that was it. Except in the afternoon at.
GORLESTON:   While watching off and on MED GULLS in every plumage you can think of I saw a what I assume was a PORPOISE rolling. If it wasn't then I missed out on a dolphin. It was a meter in length and a meter high and no fin?

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