Saturday, 1 January 2011

First day out Leaths Ham

First bird in view was when leaving work in Norwich, at the unearthly hour of 2:30 am. BLACKBIRDS 4 of them, feeding close to the old city wall. In real terms the best of the day is not what was seen, but what was heard. In the few short minutes before sunset, if that's what you call it a Blackbird in the garden was singing his head off to his mate, only feet away. No sooner is the new year in and it all changes. The weather has broken and although we are bound to get some more bad stuff our way birds are already again on the move. With WIDGEON out at sea moving North at Gorleston. Some 80 birds in all way off shore. So today was not the easiest of starts seeing out of bed was not till 10:50am.  So for the best birds of the day were SCAUP (3) at Leathes and a flock of PINK-FOOTED-GEESE (80?) flying between Belton and Breydon. I also managed a pick up on an adult MED GULL at Gorleston and a hybridised HOODED CROW at Hopton. So start list is a meagre 36 no  worry.

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